Category Archives: Uncategorized

Jenny & Jarrad

Jenny was the first woman to hand me a tube of bright red lipstick and say, “You would look good in this.”  (For those of you who know me, my red lipstick is a staple in my style now). She was the first person to tell me I would marry Chase, after only one date….

Katie & Tim are Getting Hitched

I believe that most times, it’s the detours we take that change our lives; that bring us to the place we are supposed to be. It was right after I graduated from college… I was broke and living at home with my parents, still trying to grasp the hard truth that my dream job hadn’t…

Baby Caleb

I’m so thankful that my friend Michelle introduced me to Jennifer and Jeff and their adorable baby boy, Caleb. There is this amazing aura around new parents, I have to be careful because I could definitely see it becoming contagious… but just the way they looked at their brand new baby, it filled the room…

Baby Selena

It’s hard to believe its been five years since I photographed John and Bobbi’s giant Jamaican-marine-farm boy-wedding! And now they’ve added newborn baby Selena, creating one of the most adorable families I know. I know I am only two years into my marriage, but it was so endearing to realize that five years and one…

Nathan & Audrey

These two. I love these two. Such spirit they have and I absolutely adore how they get along. You can just tell that they were be inseparable as they grow up…but I secretly want them to stay this age forever. 
